• Lotus Light Temple Shrine Tiger Side
  • Lotus Light Temple Shrine Golden Mother
  • Lotus Light Temple Shrine Padmakumara
  • Lotus Light Temple Shrine Dragon Side
  • Lotus Light Temple Main Hall One Thousand Golden Mother Shrine

Book 238 Intimate Talk with the Moon: I Have Never Owned a Camera

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Book 238 Intimate Talk with the Moon: I Have Never Owned a Camera by Sheng-yen Lu   GaiGai!   I am a computer illiterate. Unlike most people, I don’t own a cell phone or camera (which is still worth paying some attention … Read More

Book 238 Intimate Talk with the Moon: Converse with the Moon

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Book 238 Intimate Talk with the Moon: Converse with the Moon by Sheng-yen Lu

Reading of Grand-Master Lu’s Book by Master Lian Ja (釋蓮者上師) – Rainbow Temple

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20170820 Reading of Grand-Master Lu’s Book by Master Lian Ja (釋蓮者上師) – Rainbow Temple [vi video=”230406601″ width=”720″ height=”405″ /]

Book 236 The Magical Hands of Sheng-yen Lu: A Mark Made by the Bed Mother

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Book 236 The Magical Hands of Sheng-yen Lu: A Mark Made by the Bed Mother ‧Sheng-yen Lu‧     A couple brought a little boy to see me. More than half of this little boy’s face was black in color. The … Read More

Preface of Book 236: The Magical Hands of Sheng-yen Lu

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Preface of Book 236 The Magical Hands of Sheng-yen Lu (蓮生活佛盧勝彥文集第236冊《盧勝彥手的魔力》) ‧Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu‧ Translated by Janny Chow A US Daden Culture Publication

A Pearl Strand of Starlight Bodies – Master Lu’s Book 223: Stories of Supreme Spiritual Responses

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A Pearl Strand of Starlight Bodies  ( 「串珠般的『星光身』」) Book 223 Stories of Supreme Spiritual Responses (《無上殊勝的感應》) ‧Written by Sheng-yen Lu‧ Translated by Janny Chow A US Daden Culture Publication

Appendix: The Perfect Bliss of Hevajra: There is Neither Creation Nor Destruction, Part 9

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Appendix: The Perfect Bliss of Hevajra: There is Neither Creation Nor Destruction (A dharma discourse given by His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng on September 9, 2012 at Rainbow Temple, North Bend, Washington, U.S.A.) Book 223 Stories of Supreme Spiritual Responses《無上殊勝的感應》「2012年9月9日彩虹雷藏寺開示」 … Read More

Appendix: The Perfect Bliss of Hevajra: There is Neither Creation Nor Destruction, Part 8

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Appendix: The Perfect Bliss of Hevajra: There is Neither Creation Nor Destruction (A dharma discourse given by His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng on September 9, 2012 at Rainbow Temple, North Bend, Washington, U.S.A.) Book 223 Stories of Supreme Spiritual Responses《無上殊勝的感應》「2012年9月9日彩虹雷藏寺開示」 … Read More

Appendix: The Perfect Bliss of Hevajra: There is Neither Creation Nor Destruction, Part 7

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Appendix: The Perfect Bliss of Hevajra: There is Neither Creation Nor Destruction (A dharma discourse given by His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng on September 9, 2012 at Rainbow Temple, North Bend, Washington, U.S.A.) Book 223 Stories of Supreme Spiritual Responses《無上殊勝的感應》「2012年9月9日彩虹雷藏寺開示」 … Read More

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