Vajra Master Lian Tzi, presiding master of the Lotus Light Temple, and the resident monks and nuns welcome you to the Lotus Light Lei Zang Si Temple!(Lotus Light Temple, LLT)
The Lotus Light Temple was officially opened March 10, 1996, and is one of 70 temples in the True Buddha School, founded by Grand Master Sheng-Yen Lu, Living Buddha Lian Sheng. The temple reflects a unique and powerful lineage, combining the key elements of Tantrayana, Sutrayana, and Taoism. The temple incorporates several magnificent shrines, with ornate tankas (intricately hand-weaved cloth depicting various sacred images) and breathtaking statues

of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Dharma Protectors, many imported directly from classic handcrafters in Nepal. The temple offers ceremonies, group practice (cultivation), meditation, and spiritual consultations.
Vajra Master Lian Tzi is dynamic and vibrant, yet always dignified and reverent. She brings traditional Buddhist philosophies and values to today’s modern world with keen insight and a contemporary flair. A university graduate in English Literature and an extremely successful businesswoman, she relinquished her successes and a comfortable life to take her Buddhist nun’s vows in 1995. In addition to being the presiding master at the Lotus Light (Lei Zang Si) Temple in Vancouver, she is also the president of the Lotus Light Charity Society (Vancouver) and the president of the True Buddha Publication Society, a weekly international Buddhist newspaper. In a role traditionally associated with males, she is unquestionably unique and inspiring.