• Lotus Light Temple Shrine Tiger Side
  • Lotus Light Temple Shrine Golden Mother
  • Lotus Light Temple Shrine Padmakumara
  • Lotus Light Temple Shrine Dragon Side
  • Lotus Light Temple Main Hall One Thousand Golden Mother Shrine

Vajrasattva Practice (of the Four Preliminary Practices)

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Vajrasattva Practice  (of the Four Preliminary Practices) A True Buddha School Practice Text Please note that anyone who wishes to engage in this practice must first take refuge in True Buddha School and receive empowerment from Living Buddha Lian-sheng or … Read More

Master Lian Tzi flew home from Taiwan on March 20, 2015

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Master Lian Tzi had flown back to Vancouver on Friday evening, March 20, 2015, after a 26-day trip in Taiwan.

2015 New Year’s Eve “Golden Mother Having Money Right Away” Blessing Homa

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2015 Feb 18, Wednesday Evening,  Master Lian Tzi conducted “Golden Mother Having Money Right-Away” Fire Homa  to Welcome the Chinese New  Year of the Goat at Lotus Light Temple

Master Lian Tzi is flying to Taiwan to see Grand Master on Feb 2015

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On Sunday evening, Feb 22, 2015, Vajra Master Lian Tzi and the attendant, Reverend Lian Wen arrived at Vancouver International Airport to take the Monday early morning flight to Taiwan to see Grand Master and attend the big ceremonies presided … Read More

How to Remove Habitual Tendencies (Part 2)

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How to Remove Habitual Tendencies (Part 2) (Translated by Lian Hua Zhi Wei, Edited by TBTI) How is habitual tendency of ignorance treated? Those with strong ignorance usually do not have great wisdom. They are dull. Hence, ignorance and dullness … Read More

How to Remove Habitual Tendencies (Part 1)

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Vajra Master Lian Tzi (Translated by Lian Hua Zhi Wei, Edited by TBTI) Some Dharma brothers and sisters have asked, “why can’t we go to the Maha Double Lotus Ponds?” The answer is simple. It is because we have habitual … Read More

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