Lotus Light Temple Blessing Shrines

Ancestral Shrine

Dedicated to your ancestors or deceased loved ones, these shrines are permanently housed at our Ksitigarbha Shrine.  Spirits will receive the blessings from the numerous ceremonies conducted at the Lotus Light temple. Position Options: $100, $200, $500


Name:____________, Year of Birth _______, Donation: $ ________________

Longevity Shrine

For those who wish to receive a special blessing for good health in the coming year, or for dedication to someone who is suffering from poor health.  Annual registration by donation.


Name:____________, Year of Birth _______, Donation: $ ________________

Planetary Ruler

The Lunar New Year beginning January 29, 2025 is the Year of the Snake. Those who were born in the years of the Tiger, Monkey, Snake, or Pig will be in conflict with the planetary alignments.  Register for the protection of the Planetary Ruler and avoid unnecessary troubles and hardships.  Annual registration by donation.


Name:____________, Year of Birth _______, Donation: $ ________________

Special Joss Paper Offering to Planetary Rulers:

Farewell to 2024 Planetary Ruler:  $10 X ___________ = $_______________ ,

Welcome to 2025 Planetary Ruler: $10 X __________ = $________________


Enlightenment Lamp

May the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas emit their auspicious light upon registrants of the Enlightenment Lamp, bestowing them with good health and granting their wishes.  Annual registration by donation.


Name:____________, Year of Birth _______, Donation: $ ________________


Contact Name: ___________________________________




Lotus Light Temple Donation Information: Lotus Light Temple Donation Page

Download Registration Form

Please email your registration information to llcsvancouver@gmail.com

or post mail your registration information to Lotus Light Temple

Registration / Enquiry: 1-604-685-554

Mailing Address:

Lotus Light Charity Society
PO Box 88210, RPO Chinatown
Vancouver, BC, V6A 4A5, Canada