Golden Mother Sadhana

1. Start by praying for the root lineage blessing: First empty the mind. Next, visualize the Root Lineage Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng appearing above your crown and radiating light on everyone present. Chant the Root Lineage Guru Heart Mantra, “Om, gu-ru, lian-sheng sid-dhi hum,” 7 times. Pray to the Root Lineage Guru to empower you so that the practice will be auspicious.
Engender the Four Immeasurable Minds: Visualize your parents, children, relatives, friends, and enemies join you in this practice.
Wake-Up Call: Clap twice, then cross hands and snap thumbs and middle fingers.
2. Recite the Purification Mantras and Earth God Mantra
Speech Purification Mantra:
Om, syo-lee syo-lee, ma-ha syo-lee, syo-syo-lee, so-ha.
Body Purification Mantra:
Om, syo-do-lee, syo-do-lee, syo-mo-lee, syo-mo-lee, so-ha.
Mind Purification Mantra:
Om, wa-dzi-la-dam, ho ho hum.
Earth God Mantra:
Namo sam-man-do, moo-toh-nam, om, doo-loo doo-loo dei-wei, so-ha.
3. Recite the Invocation Mantra
4. Tender the Great Homage with Visualization
First homage to Root Guru Living Buddha Lian Sheng and all Buddhas in all times and directions (using Buddha Shrine Mudra)
Recite: OM, AH, Hum
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Second homage to all Bodhisattvas (using Lotus Mudra)
(Employ the mudra and visualize as above to pay homage to all Bodhisattvas and Mahsattvas)
Recite: OM, AH, Hum
Video Demo
Third homage to all Dharma Protectors (using Vajra Mudra)
(Employ the mudra and visualize as above to pay homage to all Dharma Protectors)
Recite: OM, AH, Hum
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Fourth half-bow (using Equanimity Mudra)
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(Bow and touch mudra against the brow point before releasing the mudra)
5. Mandala Offering
Visualize the offerings at the altar multiply to first form a row, then multiply again to form a field, and multiply once more to fill all space. Dedicate this space-filling offering to the Root Lineage Guru, past lineage gurus, Eight Personal Deities of the True Buddha School, all Buddhas in all times and directions, all Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas, and all dharma protectors.
Recite the Offering Verse :
Mount Meru together with the Four Continents, sun and moon,
Transforms into precious treasures to offer to the Buddhas.
May the immeasurable merit arise from these treasures
Quickly remove negative karma to realize Buddhahood.
Recite the Offering Mantra:
Om, sa-er-wa, da-ta-ga-ta, ee-da-mu, gu-ru la-na, man-cha-la, kan, nee-lee-ye, da-ye-mee
6. Fourfold Refuge
Namo Guru bei
Namo Buddha ye
Namo Dharma ye
Namo Sangha ye
7. Armor Protection
Form the Vajra Mudra before the forehead.
Recite the mantra (7 times):
Om, bo ru lan ze lee
8. Recite the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra (1 time).
9. Recite the Rebirth Mantra (7 times).
Na-mo a-mi-doh-poh-ye, doh-ta-ga-doh-ye, doh-deh-ye-ta, a-mi-lee-doh-poh-pee, a-mi-lee-doh seh-den-poh-pee, a-mi-lee-doh pek-ga-lan-deh, a-mi-lee-doh pek-ga-lan-doh, ga-mee-nee, ka-ka-nah, zhi-doh-ka-lee, so-ha.
10. Recite the Root Guru’s Heart Mantra (108 times):
“Om, gu-ru, lian-sheng sid-dhi hum”
11. Mudra and Visualization
Golden Mother Mudra : Interlace the fingers of both hands inwards; place the middle fingers upright touching and point the index fingers apart. Touch the thumbs lightly against the middle fingers (hold the mudra in front of your chest.
Illustration of Mudra
Video Demo
Seed Syllable: Hum (white in color)
Visualization: First empty the mind
Chant the Emptiness Mantra:
Om, si-ba-wa, su-da, sa-er-wa, da-er-ma, si-ba-wa, su-do-hang. (3 times)
i). Above an expanse of ocean is a stretch of clear sunny sky. A moon disc rises from the ocean into the sky. Inside the moon disc is white Tibetan seed syllable「」”hum,” emitting white light.
ii). The 「」 seed syllable inside the moon disc revolves and transforms into The Primordial Golden Mother of Jade Pond wearing a phoenix headdress. In her hands she holds a Ruyi and a heavenly dust-whisk. She is smiling, looks majestic, and views all sentient beings with compassion.
iii). Visualize the Ruyi and heavenly dust-whisk radiate white light. The white light ascends, arcs over and down, and pours through the Vajrayana practitioner’s crown, filling his entire body. The body becomes crystal clear. All karmic hindrances are cleansed.
(Alternatively, visualize Golden Mother radiating a beam of white light from her brow point onto one’s brow point. From the throat of Golden Mother, a beam of red light radiates onto one’s throat. From the heart of Golden Mother, a beam of blue light radiates onto one’s heart. The three lights of white, red, and blue merge completely into one’s body and mind.)
12. Recite the Golden Mother Heart Mantra (108 times):
“Om, jin-mu, shi-dhi, hum.”
13. Entering Samadhi
14. Emerging from Samadhi
15. Recite the Principal Heart Mantras
Om, ah-mee-deh-wah-seh.
(Amitabha Buddha Heart Mantra)
Om, mani padme hum.
(Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Heart Mantra)
Om, pun-lah-moh lin-toh-lin, so-ha.
(Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Mantra that Removes Fixed Karma)
Om, ha ha ha, wei sam-mo-yeh, so-ha.
(Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Heart Mantra)
Om, dze-lee dzu-lee, zhun-tee, so-ha.
(Maha Cundi Bodhisattva Heart Mantra)
Om, jum-bah-lah, chan-lan chah-nah-yeh, so-ha.
(Yellow Jambhala Heart Mantra)
Om ah hum, be-dza, gu-ru, beh-ma, sid-dhi, hum, seh.
(Guru Padmasambhava Heart Mantra)
Om ah hum, gu-ru-bei, ah-ha-sa-sa-ma-ha, lian-sheng sid-dhi hum.
(Padmakumara Bodhisattva Heart Mantra)
Deh-yah-tah, om, beh-ka-dzee-yeh, beh-ka-dzee-yeh, ma-ha beh-ka-dzee-yeh, la-dza-sah-mo-kyah-doh-heh, so-ha.
(Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra)
16. Recite the Buddha’s Name (3 times)
Na-mo san-shi-liu-wan-yi yi-shi-yi-wan jiu-qian-wu-bai tong-ming-tong-hao ah-mi-tuo-fo.
Namo the 36 trillion 119 thousand and 500 Amitabha Buddhas.
17. Dedication
May all who uphold the name of Amitabha Buddha
Be born together in the Pure Land of His Western Paradise.
Repaying the Fourfold Generosity from above,
And aiding those who suffer in the Three Paths below.
Upon seeing the Buddha,
May I be liberated from the cycle of birth and death,
And may I develop the qualities of Buddhahood,
And thus free all who suffer.
I, ________ (your name), dedicate the merits of this practice to the Root Guru. May the Root Guru always be healthy, remain in Samsara, never enter Nirvana, and forever turn the Dharma Wheel. May everyone be healthy, free of hindrances, strong in cultivation, and may all circumstances become auspicious. (One may makes his/her wishes here) May all supplications be completely fulfilled. May all hindrances be removed. Wun!
(For a detailed explanation of this dedication, please refer to page 165 of A Complete and Detailed Exposition on the True Buddha Tantric Dharma.)
18. Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra (3 times)
Om, be-dza, sah-do sa-ma-ya, ma-nu bah-la-ya, be-dza sah-do deh-nu-pah-deh-cha, zhe-jo mi-bah-wa, soo-do ka-yu mi-bah-wa, soo-poo ka-yu mi-bah-wa, an-nu-la-do mi-bah-wa, sa-er-wa, sid-di, mi-bu-la-ya-cha, sa-er-wa, ka-er-ma, soo-cha-mi, ji-ta-moo, see-li-yam, gu-ru hum, ha-ha-ha-ha-hoh, bah-ga-wan, sa-er-wa, da-ta-ga-ta, be-dza, ma-mee mun-cha, be-dzi-ba-wa, ma-ha sa-ma-ya, sah-do-ah, hum, pei.
19. Tender the Great Homage with Visualization (same as step 3)
First homage to Root Guru Living Buddha Lian Sheng and all Buddhas in all times and directions (using Buddha Shrine Mudra)
Recite: OM, AH, Hum
Video Demo
Second homage to all Bodhisattvas (using Lotus Mudra)
(Employ the mudra and visualize as above to pay homage to all Bodhisattvas and Mahsattvas)
Recite: OM, AH, Hum
Video Demo
Third homage to all Dharma Protectors (using Vajra Mudra)
(Employ the mudra and visualize as above to pay homage to all Dharma Protectors)
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